Healthcare services, due to their vital importance, cannot compromise on the rights and responsibilities of individuals. We respect all the rights of our patients and their companions during their time at our clinic. This guide, prepared based on the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Patient Rights Regulation, aims to inform our patients about their rights and responsibilities during the service process.

Patient Rights

Patient rights refer to all practices aimed at protecting the rights of individuals who seek medical assistance and approach a healthcare institution for this purpose throughout the entire service process provided by that institution.

Patient rights aim to ensure high levels of health protection and the delivery of high-quality healthcare services.

1. Right to Benefit from Services

Every individual who applies to our clinic has the right to benefit from all services without discrimination based on language, religion, race, or sect. They have the right to access preventive and therapeutic health services equitably to maintain a healthy life.

2. Right to Information and Inquiry

Our patients have the right to receive information about their health condition, available healthcare services, and how to benefit from these services, as well as to access and obtain their health-related documents.

3. Right to Consent and Approval

After being adequately informed, our patients have the right to accept, refuse, or request the cessation of the proposed treatment.

4. Right to Choose and Change Healthcare Institution and Personnel

Our patients have the right to choose and change the diagnostic and treatment methods, as well as the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel responsible for their care.

5. Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

Our patients have the right to request that their personal information, health status, diagnosis, treatment processes, or the content of private visits remain confidential.

6. Right to Dignity

Our patients have the right to receive healthcare services in a clean, modern environment with a polite, kind, and compassionate approach.

7. Right to Perform Religious Obligations

Our patients have the right to perform their religious duties to the extent permitted by the healthcare facility and provided it does not interfere with their treatment.

8. Right to Visits and Companionship

Our patients have the right to accept visitors and have companions as per the rules and regulations set by our clinic.

9. Right to Safety

Our patients have the right to the protection of their life and property, as well as to be safeguarded against risks and medical errors within healthcare services.

10. Right to Consultation and a Second Opinion

Our patients have the right to request information about their health status from another physician in the same specialty or to request consultation with a specialist from a different branch.

11. Right to File Complaints, Opinions, and Suggestions

Our patients have the right to initiate a complaint mechanism, have it reviewed, concluded, and be informed about the results in case of neglect of their rights within our clinic.

For security purposes, public and common areas in our clinic are monitored by cameras. However, this precaution does not apply to private areas such as patient rooms or doctor’s offices.

Patient Responsibilities

Patient responsibilities are the duties and obligations that patients must fulfill before and after applying to a healthcare institution.

1. General Responsibilities

Our patients are responsible for doing their best to take care of their own health and following advice for a healthy lifestyle.
They are responsible for self-care in simple cases.

2. Social Security Status

Our patients are responsible for promptly notifying changes in their health, social security, and personal information.

3. Informing Healthcare Workers

Our patients are responsible for providing complete and accurate information about their complaints, previous illnesses, any hospitalization, medications they are currently using, and all other health-related details.

4. Adherence to Hospital Rules

Our patients are responsible for complying with the rules and practices of the healthcare institution they visit.
They must adhere to the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and related social security institutions.
Our patients are expected to cooperate with healthcare workers during the treatment, care, and rehabilitation process.
They are responsible for covering the expenses of tests and treatments.
If benefiting from a health facility that provides services by appointment, they are responsible for adhering to the appointment schedule and notifying relevant parties of changes.
Our patients are responsible for respecting the rights of hospital staff, other patients, and visitors.
They are liable for any damage they cause to hospital property.

5. Compliance with Treatment Recommendations

Our patients are responsible for listening carefully to advice regarding their treatment and medications and asking about anything they do not understand.
If they are unable to follow the treatment plan, they are responsible for notifying healthcare personnel.
Patients are responsible for indicating whether they have correctly understood their care and post-discharge plans.
Patients are accountable for the outcomes of refusing treatment or not adhering to the recommendations.